LDOS Research Symposium 2024
November 7, 2024 - 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CT
The University of Texas at Austin
This full-day symposium explored research related to the Learning Directed Operating System (LDOS) NSF Expedition project. Academic and industry partners presented their collaborative research, education, and development initiatives throughout the day.
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Welcome to the LDOS Expedition
Aditya Akella, LDOS Director & Professor, UT Austin
David Vanden Bout, Dean, College of Natural Sciences, UT Austin
Ellen Zegura, Division Director, NSF
LDOS: A Clean-Slate Paradigm for OS Design and Implementation
Aditya Akella, LDOS Director & Professor, UT Austin
Keynote: Learning-based Systems - The Best is Yet to Come (video not available)
Martin Maas, Staff Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
Toward a Machine-Learning-Assisted Kernel
Chris Rossbach, LDOS Co-Director & Associate Professor, UT Austin
Certified Learning for Systems
Swarat Chaudhuri, Professor, UT Austin
Synthetic System Trace Generation
Daehyeok Kim, Assistant Professor, UT Austin
Machine Learning for Memory Tiering
Shivaram Venkataraman, Assistant Professor, UW Madison
Machine Learning for Effective HW/SW Co-Design
Akanksha Jain, Software Engineer, Google
Towards Autonomous Data Services on Azure
Yuanyuan Tian, Principal Scientist, Microsoft Gray Systems Lab (GSL)
End-to-End Arguments in Cloud Operating System Design
Rodrigo Fonseca, Senior Principal Research Manager, Microsoft
Understand the OS's Impact on Robot Applications
Joydeep Biswas, Associate Professor, UT Austin
Panel: "LDOS and Effective Knowledge Transfer: Opportunities, Challenges, and Metrics"
Moderator: Vijay Chidambaram, Associate Professor, UT Austin